Opening: 27/07/2023 – Closing: 11/04/2024

Context and objectives

In order to reduce the burden of chronic non-communicable diseases and to better adapt our diets, a better understanding of the links between food, microbiomes and human health, as well as the interactions between consumption behaviour, the information provided to consumers and food production models, are essential and are the main challenges that the “Food Systems, Microbiomes and Health (SAMS)” program has been tasked with tackling. In order to meet these social and health challenges, the SAMS PEPR action program is based on two pillars: the first addresses issues related to microbiomes and health; the second, issues related to consumption and sustainable food systems. This call for projects aims to support original and innovative research projects on these two pillars, and at their interface.

The microbiomes and health themes are as follows:

Area 1. Identify the links between environmental factors, microbiomes and host health and understand the modes of action;

Area 2. Understanding the mechanisms of host-microbiome interactions in health and disease;

Area 3. Biomarkers for exposure, diagnosis and prognosis of the host-microbiome relationship;

Area 4. Host-microbiome interactions for prevention and therapy.

The food systems themes are as follows:

Area 1. Identifying the links between environmental factors, microbiomes and host health and

understand the modes of action;

Area 2. Understanding the mechanisms of host-microbiome interactions in health and disease;

Area 3. Biomarkers for exposure, diagnosis and prognosis of the host-microbiome relationship;

Area 4. Host-microbiome interaction in prevention and therapy.


Lasting from 3 to 5 years, with funding ranging from €1m to €2.5m for the “Microbiomes and Health” pillar, from €800k to €1m for the “Sustainable Food and Consumption” pillar, and from €1m to €2.5m for projects at the interface between the two pillars. The projects selected will have to be based on multidisciplinary research consortia and may target advances in fundamental knowledge, as well as more applied results, linked to therapeutics, risk prevention solutions in human and social health, and public policies.


The call for projects is divided into two phases: the first phase, which is non-selective and non-binding, takes the form of submitting a letter of intent, the aim of which is to encourage the construction of consortia; the second phase consists of submitting detailed projects for assessment by an international assessment committee.

The end of the selection process (including the communication of  results) is scheduled for the fourth quarter of 2024 or the first quarter 2025.

Useful informations
List of projects funded

Waiting for results

Waiting for results